Saturday, January 30, 2016


    Disney movies, those damn Disney movies. I'm pretty sure they gave all of us little girls not so realistic expectations of men, we all know this feeling all too well! I remember telling my grandma that I couldn't wait to grow up, have my own house, and family. What the hell? What ten year old says that?! If little Adrienne knew then what she knows now, I bet she would have waited a lot longer to say that!

     Don't get me wrong I love having my own house and family, but damn, where the hell are the instructions? How come Disney didn't teach me how to love someone when the thought of them breathing is just too much to bare? That would have really helped out.... a lot. Relationships are hard. Sometimes I wonder why the hell we even want to be in them. You can't stand their face yet you want to have a baby, and throw out a fifty fifty chance that your child will end up with their face. Well that makes a lot of sense! It actually does. You love that person, or you wouldn't want to make a mini version of them. This is where people would usually throw in the term "soulmate".

     Some of you may believe in them and thats fine, but me....well. I think it's a crock of you know what. Shit. Do I think that this one person was put on the earth just for me to find? With the population of seven billion? Hell no, thats just freaking crazy. I believe in compatibility. I believe that Jason Statham and I would be highly compatible, unfortunately he told me that the long distance just was not going to work. Sadly I had to move on. If Cody and I were truly meant to be soulmates, I'd say they did a pretty bad job with us. Could you imagine us as one body? Jesus, we'd kill each other. We would end up cutting ourselves in half, before the Gods even had a chance! I'm surprised we haven't already killed each other! We are together because we choose to be. Not because it was written in the stars. Life is not a Nicholas Sparks book, no matter how bad we want it to be.

     People fight over so many things. I'm sure I could probably fight with Cody about everything! He could tell me the sky is blue, and I would fight him that it was green, until I turned blue! That has nothing to do with him. I has everything to do with me. I'm stubborn and I don't like to be wrong. I have my own inner demons to fight and poor Cody gets the wrath sometimes. He also has demons that he fights and I get his wrath, we all have them. But thats why you're with someone. To have someone to help you fight through all of life's troubles. You're with them for their company and to share your life with them. So why not share your thoughts? I feel like so many of us hold in our stress until one day we just freaking snap, turn green, and shred our clothes off. I'm referencing the Hulk incase you missed that. If we would just open up to the people that we trust our hearts with things would be so much easier. If that person won't or doesn't wanna listen to you, maybe it hits a trigger that they are not ready to open up about it. I mean eventually you have to talk about it but maybe it just needs some time. Relationships are about patience and understanding, just as much as they are about love. We never really know what's going on in our guy's head, they are just as much of a mystery as us women are!

     This person chose you and you chose them. They continue to choose you everyday over everybody else in this world. I would miss all the things I can't stand about Cody if I ever lost him. I would miss yelling at him at five thirty in the morning, telling him to stop rubbing his feet again me. I would miss yelling at him for needing to use the bathroom when I need to shower. Notice how I'm always yelling at him. Damn, I'm starting to feel kind of bad for him. Just kidding, no I'm not. I would miss that stupid little noise that he makes at night that keeps me from falling asleep. You get the point. Cody really annoys me! I don't believe in soulmates I believe in choice. I believe that you learn to love. You learn to love how someone wants to be loved, but also staying true to who you are. You should never have to change who you are to be with someone. Just because someone doesn't love you how you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. To me the idea of someone loving me despite all the things they could hate me for, is more romantic than the idea of a soulmate any day.

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