Thursday, January 28, 2016

The beginning

     Well, I caved. I decided that I may or may not annoy the crap out of people when I talk, so I figured if I write they are listening at their own risk. I honestly don't even know where to begin. So many things cross my mind in a seconds time period, I am surprised I was never diagnosed with an attention disorder. I will just blame my parents for that one! So honestly were do I begin?

     We will start with my daughter, Reagan. As you can tell we have mastered the art of selfies. One out of maybe 100 tries we get it right, and finally get that perfect mother daughter picture that looks so effortless. When that happens and it finally lands on social media its 9pm and we started at noon, along with trying every angle and every room in the house, no joke. In all seriousness I wanted to start this to vent my own feelings and let all you moms out there know that it's a struggle for all of us. Everything is a struggle and you're not alone. Sometimes the greatest blessings in life are also the hugest pains in the ass, like children and even the grown children who we call our significant others. We all think it, don't even lie to yourself! If you're feeling like you're the only one out there who has lost her shit at times, don't, you're so wrong, I lose my shit every day, over almost anything. You can say Im pretty emotional. I am probably too much to handle most of the time, so thanks to all the people who put with me! 

     Lets be honest, being a full-time mom and working full time is THE hardest thing I have ever had to handle. Then throw a relationship into the mix. Damn, I have no idea how people do it! It all came so quickly. Getting out of longterm relationship that was pretty toxic at times, to falling in love with someone who I hardly knew, that was lot. So many emotions. Then 9 months later...SURPRISE I can have kids after all. Long story short, it happened all at once. Growing up. It came all too quickly. We kinda took the opposite route of life, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Two and a half years later we have a house that we are flipping, a beautiful baby girl, great family and friends, and a very dysfunctional relationship, but in a good way. If it can be in a good way? I mean its working so it can't be that bad! 

     No relationship is perfect no matter what it looks like on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and whatever else people use. Why would people wanna document the bad stuff for everyone to see? Doesn't everyone wanna try to one up everyone? Hashtag "perfect marriage", Hashtag "love of my life", Hashtag "love my perfect life". Ugh give me a break! We get it you're happy today, and you have yet to fight about who didn't do the dishes. No, this is not me being bitter, this is me being real. Do I love Cody? Of course I freaking do! Do I wanna rip his head off and feed it wild animals? Yes, almost everyday, and I bet he would say the same. That's just how we are, that is how WE love. We have gotten to where we both understand that we are stubborn as hell, and neither of us will back down. Eventually he usually gives in! :) But hey, everyone is different!
     Thats just life, and I am getting way too off track and once again my mind is overwhelmed with so much to say. I hope y'all don't get bored, I'm so ready to let y'all see my real life struggles and let all you wonderful moms out there know that you're not alone, and thats its ok to feel like you're losing your shit because we all are! So, its just the beginning. 

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