Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Just a Phase

     Have kids they said. It will be fun they said. Eye roll. Let me just tell you this has been a very stressful couple of months when it comes to my child. You would think that a demon has taken over her body or something. Talk about bad. I literally had to pour myself a glass of wine last night at 6:30, only after being home for and hour and a half. I couldn't take it. Thank god Cody doesn't judge me for it. The fact that he helped me get the bottle out, should tell you something about my night.

     Seriously, when does this whole parenting thing get easier? My child won't eat, she won't listen, whines over everything, she is driving me absolutely crazy! Just this past Sunday she drew blood on my face, after scratching the shit out of me. Really Reagan? Dammit I brought you in this world and I can take you out of it! Isn't that what all of our moms said to us growing up? Oh if Beckie would have been here last night to see this I know exactly what her words would be......"this is your karma". Shit, I should have been better when I was a child. Come to think of it, she is her fathers child as well, and what a hellion he was! No wonder she's so damn bad, look who her parents are. I felt bad after while because I told Cody I was done being her parent, she had me that stressed out. Now we all know that is completely false and that I love that child more than life itself, but for that split second I might have meant it. I know I've said it before, but instructions on my child when she came out, would have been a huge help!

     I know she's only a short couple of months away from turing two but damn, I never thought she would be one going on thirteen. This chick has the attitude of a teenager, and the sass of a twenty one year old who's about to get her period. I can't even handle my own meltdowns at times, let alone Reagan's. Poor Cody, god speed if we have anymore girls. I'm sure he would be on a monthly cycle with the rest of us. So what do you do? Lord knows I have no idea. I just have been winging this whole mom thing for the past eighteen months. Lets face it, she's a girl, she's almost two, and her mother is an emotional wreck eighty percent of the time. Sometimes I just let her freak out for a couple of minutes, and then proceed to ask her if that was actually necessary, which clearly makes things worse. I mean she did just say "more", and when I went to take the bottle to get more, she starts yelling at me screaming "mine". Dammit Reagan I know it's yours. Mama doesn't drink out a purple sippy cup, unless it has a cork on top of it, and it tastes like fermented grapes. This kind of behavior is kind of a good thing for me because it allows me to understand what Cody has been dealing with for the past three years. I have one word for you, Saint. 

      At the end of the day kids are just like us. They feel emotions, stress, anxiety, everything that we feel, just in different ways. They handle it differently. Shit I think Reagan handles things better than I do at times! The last thing I want to do is make my baby feel like she can't express herself, or feel like she has to hide her emotions. I've started to let it bother me less, or at least I'm trying too. I tend to maybe yell a little too much, and I don't try to actually figure out whats wrong. Maybe she won't eat because she had a late lunch at the sitters. Maybe she's fussy because her teeth hurt, or because Disney Junior is over, and she wasn't done watching Doc. McStuffins. I know that I need be understanding and patient when it comes to her, because since she can't tell me what's wrong, as a mom its my job to try and figure it out the best I can. It will come with time though, and it will pass just as quickly as it came. Soon enough she's going to be packing her room and heading off to college, so I better start appreciating all the time I do have with her, because before I know it, it will be gone. Now I need tissues. On the bright side. One day when she is stressed the hell out, I can pour her a glass of wine as well, and unwind with my best friend. 


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